
Tony Martin-Vegue is a writer, speaker and risk expert with a passion for data driven decision making. He brings his expertise in economics, cyber risk quantification and information security to advise senior operational and security leaders on how to integrate evidence-based risk analysis into business strategy. He has led risk teams for several Bay Area financial institutions and in the words of his eight-year-old son, has spent much of the last 20 years “Fighting criminals on the internet.” Tony is also the chair of the San Francisco chapter of the FAIR Institute – a professional organization dedicated to advancing risk quantification. He has spoken at BSides, FAIRcon, RSA and SIRAcon and others. Tony is obsessed with elevating the information security profession through data, reason, and the total eradication of Harvey Ball charts. He holds a B.S. in Business Economics from University of San Francisco and numerous certifications including CISSP and CISM.

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Most of my writing effort is on this site in the form of short-form blog posts, but I have written and contributed to more formal publications.